The Gerland vaccination center resized to vaccinate five times more

In January 2021 at the Gerland Covid-19 vaccination center in Lyon. – E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

  • From next week, 14,000 people should be vaccinated in Gerland, five times more than the initial level.
  • A long-awaited acceleration of vaccination mainly linked to the arrival of doses of Pfizer vaccines.
  • This has resulted in the opening of new niches for getting vaccinated.

A strong ramp-up made possible by the long-awaited acceleration of the delivery of doses of Pfizer vaccines. On the nights of Wednesday and Thursday, the vaccination center of the Palais des sports de Gerland in Lyon will be completely resized to be able to accommodate and vaccinate more people. First, the PCR screening center will be transferred to the Petit Palais des Sports, adjacent to the large one.

And the following night, the consultation and nursing boxes as well as the entire patient journey will be reconfigured to be able to vaccinate 2,000 patients from Thursday against Covid-19, the Hospices Civils de Lyon indicated on Monday. That is five times more than the number of people who were vaccinated when the center opened in mid-January.

Possible appointments on Doctolib

“The acceleration of deliveries of Pfizer vaccines, and the density of links between all the partners constituting the center, have made it possible to open it 7 days a week, bringing its capacity to 8,400 vaccinations per week since March 14,” add the CHU. from Lyon. An increase in load that will continue with 10,000 injections planned this week and 14,000 the following week. This exceptional capacity will make it one of the largest centers in France, foreshadowing the organization of the vaccination “mega-centers” expected throughout the country in the coming weeks. “

As a direct consequence of this acceleration of vaccination in Lyon, the appointments that have been so difficult to obtain for weeks for the target audiences are being unblocked. According to the HCL, 8,500 time slots have been opened on Doctolib since the start of last week “in order to reach 2,000 injections per day 7 days a week, public holidays included”.

A reassuring point a few days after the start of the third confinement and the sharp increase in Covid-19 monitoring indicators in the Rhône. As of March 28, the incidence rate (476.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants) has clearly increased. Hospitalizations and intensive care admissions too, but to a lesser extent, according to online data published by Public Health France.

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