The garbage collectors’ strike extended until Monday in Paris

Trash will continue to pile up in the capital. This Tuesday morning, the garbage collectors and cleaning agents of the City of Paris, mobilized against the pension reform project, voted to continue the strike “at least until March 20”, during a general meeting on the incineration site at Ivry-sur-Seine, in Val-de-Marne.

“We voted to renew the strike until at least March 20,” said Julien Lejeune, sanitation supervisor at the Paris City Hall and CGT delegate, who is picketing the Ivry-Ivry incinerator. sur-Seine, while some 6,600 tonnes of waste were identified in the capital on the 9th day of the strike.

Three incinerators and a shutdown transfer site

The municipal agents in charge of the cleanliness of the capital are determined not to give in to the pension reform project carried by the government.

In addition to Ivry, two other incinerators are also shut down, in Issy-les-Moulineaux (92) and Saint-Ouen (93), while the fourth, transfer site, located in Romainville (93), is saturated. The Paris City Hall, which manages the collection of household waste in half of the arrondissements, said it was “in solidarity” with the social movement.

A position attacked by the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune who declared Tuesday morning on France 2 to expect the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo “to initiate requisitions”, a measure rejected by the City of Paris which ensures that this measure cannot be taken legally “only by the State”.

Palliative measures for absolute emergency points

Asked by journalists, the first deputy Emmanuel Grégoire wanted to be reassuring, affirming that the City “is putting in place palliative measures, such as the deployment of skips and boxes, to manage the points of absolute urgency” and that “it is more than the minimum service that is provided”.

Garbage collectors and sanitation workers, whose life expectancy is two years less than the French average, should retire at age 59 instead of the current 57 if the reform is passed.

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