the gap is closing between Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Emmanuel Macron: “Make no mistake, nothing is certain”

The outgoing president spoke from hall 8 of the Porte de Versailles exhibition center in Paris, where his election night is taking place. The outgoing president won 28% of the vote according to the latest Ipsos and Sopra Steria estimates. “This Sunday, April 10, you were more than 36 million to assert this right conquered by previous generations which is the right to vote and I thank all our compatriots who voted for my candidacy. Their confidence, your confidence honors me, obliges me and commits me”begins by declaring Mr. Macron.

“I want to greet all the candidates, Nathalie Arthaud, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Anne Hidalgo, Jean Lassalle, Yannick Jadot, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Philippe Poutou, Fabien Roussel and Eric Zemmour”said the candidate president, asking the public to applaud his competitors. “We defend our convictions with force but respecting each and every one”declares Mr. Macron before continuing: “I would like to thank Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse, Yannick Jadot and Fabien Roussel who have given me their support this evening. » “Some will do it to block the far right and it will not be worth support, I respect it”notes Emmanuel Macron, referring to Jean-Luc Mélenchon – “I want to salute their clarity”he comments.

“I want to reach out to anyone who wants to work for France. I am ready to invent something new to bring together convictions and sensitivities”declares the President of the Republic, before giving a speech targeting the voters of Marine Le Pen: “I want to convince them in the days to come that our project responds much more solidly than that of the far right to their fears and the challenges of the times. » “Make no mistake, nothing is settled and the debate that we will have in the next two weeks is decisive for our country and for Europe”then warns the candidate.

Mr. Macron then unfolds his political ambitions by opposing, implicitly, the program of the far right: “I want a France that takes up the climate and ecological challenge” ; “I want a France resolutely against Islamist separatism (…), a France that prevents Muslims or Jews from eating as prescribed by their religion, it is not us”“The only project for purchasing power is ours! »then proclaims Emmanuel Macron, in a clear reference to the campaign of Marine Le Pen. “In the days to come, we will spare no effort, because nothing is done”finally said the candidate president.

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