The funeral of the Corsican separatist takes place this Friday in Cargèse

The funeral of Yvan Colonna, Corsican independence activist sentenced for the assassination of the prefect Erignac and fatally assaulted in prison on March 2, takes place this Friday at 3 p.m. in his family village of Cargèse (Corse-du-Sud).

Arrived from Marseille on Wednesday evening, barely 48 hours after the announcement of the death, the coffin of Yvan Colonna, welcomed by a guard of honor in Ajaccio, must leave the funeral home this Friday noon. In Cargèse, a town of 1,300 inhabitants 50 km from Ajaccio, the funeral will take place in the Latin church, opposite the other church in the village, a Greek one. It is an archimandrite, a priest capable of officiating in the Latin and Byzantine rites, Father Antoine Forget, known as Father Tony, who will conduct the ceremony.

“A deacon brother will say a few words about the deceased,” the priest explained on Thursday, not yet knowing whether members of the Colonna family will also speak in the small church capable of accommodating a maximum of 150 people. In front of the entrance to the church, white and yellow, stencil portraits of Yvan Colonna on wooden boards already framed the front door on Thursday, accompanied by around fifty candles. A crowd of residents and supporters of the Corsican independence movement are expected to pay their last respects.

Died at 61, Colonna had been sentenced three times to life for the execution by bullet of the prefect Erignac, in February 1998 in Ajaccio. A crime he has always denied.

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