The “forgotten” and “despised” of the Ségur de la santé demand decent salaries for the medico-social

They rarely demonstrate. But the situation has become explosive in the medico-social structures they run. Officials and employers’ unions in this sector, which has no less than 785,000 employees in France, decided to mobilize Thursday in front of the Toulouse prefecture to demand an upgrading of the grids of the people they employ, whether they are social workers , nurses or educators.

Considering themselves to be “forgotten” and “despised” of the Ségur de la santé, they estimate that their employees have lost 25% of purchasing power in ten years. Some work in child protection, others in disability, the fight against exclusion or the legal protection of adults.

If in the public sector, the salary scale was reviewed and corrected for all nursing staff after this major consultation, this was not the case with that of the private association sector. “We forget that these educators or nurses were also on the front line during these two years, our establishments remained open”, notes Andrès Atenza, general manager of National Association for Research and Solidarity Action which manages 74 establishments, from the nursing home to the IME, and employs 2,300 people.

Decline in vocations

In some structures, the pressure is all the stronger as some, depending on the Regional Health Agency, have seen their employees affected by this upgrading, when this is not the case for others. This creates competition between establishments, and amplifies recruitment difficulties for certain associations that play a daily role, while more than 150,000 retirements will take place by 2025.

“In recent years we have been confronted with a drop in vocations. Ten years ago, a social worker started his career at 65% above the minimum wage, today it is only 12% above the minimum income ”, deplores Bruno Garcia, general manager of the May association. and member of the Federation of Occitanie Solidarity Actors. They therefore appeal to the government to have their demands taken into account.

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