The followers of the mule cut have crowned their champion

More than a haircut, a philosophy. “The mule is a way of seeing life”: for a day, the village of Chéniers, in the Creuse, established itself on Saturday as the European capital of the mullet cut, daring hair style – hair short above and long behind – popularized in the 80s. For the organizers of the second edition of the “European mule cup championship”, which brought together 500 people, Covid-19 gauge requires, it all started with a joke .

Inspired by the Belgian edition

“For a laugh, a friend once told another depressed friend that he had a mullet head. From there was born the idea of ​​creating an event. As we saw that there was a European Championship in Belgium in 2019, we said to ourselves why not at home? », Says Johan Detour. The initiators of the first Belgian edition, like Isabelle Bierlaire, were among the festival-goers. “I have chills, I really find here the spirit that there was with us. We helped them organize a bit, ”she says.

Other Belgians had made the trip. Just like Hubert, socks in the colors of the Belgian flag, blond hair and perfectly combed mullet behind. “I came from Mouscron with five friends. We’ve all had a mullet haircut for a year and a half. It is really a state of mind, that of self-mockery. Finally, it looks like the Belgian state of mind. I find it here. There is music, we drink beers and we don’t take ourselves seriously, ”he enthuses.

On site, the rare people who arrived without the appropriate hairstyle could have their hair sculpted in detail in a special mullet hairstyling stand. Like this young Portuguese man, who says: “I was in the Netherlands and I wanted to join my family in Porto by bike. On the way, someone told me about this championship. I thought the idea was great so we went by bike together! “.

A Belgian elected by the applaudimeter

A hundred “field mice” were candidates to succeed Gauthier Istin. “This year, I prefer to leave my place,” he explains. But I slipped a few bits of my hair into the trophy. I hope the next one will do the same ”.

Among the contenders, “LeBouseuh”, an influencer with nearly four million subscribers on YouTube, brought the day to life on his social networks. Thursday, he staged his hair preparations in a video with more than 500,000 views.

After the parade of candidates, the new European champion was elected by the applaudimeter. And it was the Belgian Nicolas Vanderkelen who won thanks to a long curly brown mullet. This corpulent driver has been a fan of the mule for 20 years.

For the organizers, the bet is successful, despite the health context. “Everyone looks happy, that’s the main thing,” says Johan Detour. “We intend to repeat the experience next year in partnership with Belgian colleagues”.

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