The first American reinforcements have arrived in Poland

The transfer of American reinforcements to Poland, sent to reassure allies worried about tensions between Russia and Ukraine, “has begun”, a spokesman for the Polish army said on Saturday. “The first soldiers have arrived safely at Jesionka airport,” said Major Przemyslaw Lipczynski, adding that the main forces of a US contingent of 1,700 troops are due to arrive “soon”.

Major Lipczynski said that logistical preparations “have started since last week”. On Saturday, a plane with soldiers from the US 82nd Airborne Division landed in Jesionka.

The United States announced last Wednesday the dispatch of 3,000 additional American soldiers to Eastern Europe to defend the NATO countries “against any aggression”, in the midst of a diplomatic ballet aimed at convincing Moscow to withdraw its troops massed in the borders of Ukraine. The new American troops are in addition to the 8,500 soldiers placed on alert at the end of January by American President Joe Biden to be deployed in NATO’s rapid reaction force if necessary.

Westerners have accused Moscow since the end of 2021 of having massed tens of thousands of soldiers on Ukraine’s borders for a potential invasion, which Russia denies, claiming only to guarantee its security.

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