The fire is now under control in La Teste-de-Buch (but not yet extinguished)

Hard work by the firefighters and the authorities made it possible to overcome it. According to the prefecture of Gironde, the fire which burned 7,000 hectares of forest in La Teste-de-Buch, in the Arcachon basin, is now “under control”. Let us specify from the outset that the fire is not extinguished. This term “controlled” means that “the risks of resumption are now considered limited and that a major resumption of fire is ruled out”, according to the prefecture.

To manage to contain this dramatic fire which sometimes made the air unbreathable, the firefighters had to seriously water, with the support of too few canadairs. But also cut down trees and scrape the ground.

Fixed since July 23, the fire remains under close surveillance. “The fire zones remain dangerous, with many remaining smokehouses and a significant risk of falling trees whose roots have been destroyed by the fire”. Since July 12 and the appearance of the first flames, firefighters have been fighting to control them. Here and in Landiras, more than 36,000 people were evacuated.

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