the fire in a Rungis market warehouse now under control

A hundred firefighters were mobilized to extinguish the fire which broke out this Sunday noon.

The fire which broke out this Sunday noon in a building in the Rungis market is now under control, firefighters told BFMTV. The fire broke out around 12:30 p.m. this Sunday in the 7,000 m² fruit and vegetable warehouse.

The firefighters managed to intervene quickly and get to the scene in less than eight minutes. Two hours after the start of the disaster, they consider that “the fire is under control”, says Captain Marc Lemoine, communication officer for the Paris fire brigade.

However, the firefighters remain mobilized this Sunday at the end of the afternoon to put out the last hot spots. “The situation is favorable, we are still in the attack phases to be sure that the fire is out, but we can estimate that the fire is contained at the moment.”

“Huge plume of smoke”

At the height of the intervention, a hundred firefighters, around thirty machines and six high-powered lances were mobilized to fight the flames.

Fortunately, the disaster did not cause any victims, and the firefighters ensure that no one is missing.

The fire was however very impressive, generating a “huge plume of smoke”, attest witnesses on social networks.

The plume was visible for miles.

Antoine Forestier with Solenne Bertrand

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