The fight against HIV and AIDS is stagnating due to Corona and the Ukraine war

The “AIDS loop” Red Ribbon symbolizes solidarity with the sick. Photo: Ted Eytan / CC BY-SA 2.0

German Aidshilfe and UNAids see resources for the fight against the virus threatened

People with immunodeficiency are considered a risk group for severe or fatal Covid 19 courses. According to the German Aids Aid and UNAids, the global fight against the immune deficiency disease caused by the HI virus is being neglected in the course of the Corona crisis.

“Progress in prevention has stalled,” warned UNAids a few days ago when the Global Aids Update 2022. In addition to the corona virus, the war in Ukraine is mentioned as one of the “challenges for generations” with which the fight against HIV and AIDS must ultimately compete.

“Capability Demonstrated to the World”

On the other hand, these crises have “proved the world’s ability to mobilize massive resources and quickly change policy in the event of “extraordinary adversity,” according to the UNAids report.

The United Nations project aims to coordinate the activities of individual countries in the fight against the immune deficiency disease – and currently sees the resources for this under threat.

The spread of the virus is easier to contain than in the case of Covid-19. The corona virus is also transmitted in everyday office life and when talking to neighbors; HIV through sexual contact without a condom or contaminated syringes. However, the long incubation period requires a different, target group-specific test strategy.

“As part of the corona pandemic, there have been dramatic reductions in HIV testing and counseling facilities internationally,” said Jürgen Rockstroh, professor at the University Hospital in Bonn, in an interview with the dpa news agency a few days ago. “Necessary laboratory controls were stretched. Bottlenecks in the supply of medicines have been widely reported. In addition, many researchers – but also public health colleagues – have had to concentrate on Covid, so that many resources have been lost for HIV.”

Contagious without treatment – and deadly

If left untreated, the disease is fatal – any infection harmless to the average middle-aged person can be in the final stages. With antiretroviral drugs, the disease can be suppressed and life expectancy normalized – if the therapy is started in time and works, those affected have the immune deficiency virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) but not AIDS.

The latter stands for “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”. However, based on the current state of research, HIV patients are lifelong drug dependent. The antiretroviral therapy usually reduces the viral load to such an extent that infection is no longer possible. For around ten years, infected people who take their medication every day have been allowed to unrestrictedly practice medical professions.

Where large parts of the population are excluded from the health system, the infection remains a death sentence, even if it can be years before the first symptoms appear – and those affected remain contagious.

The number of people in Germany who carry the virus without knowing it is estimated at around 10,000 according to the German Aidshilfe. Anyone who tests positive here can also be cared for. On the other hand, around ten million sufferers worldwide lack the urgently needed medication.
(Claudia Wangerin)

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