The father who beat up his daughter’s underage attacker prosecuted for “aggravated violence”

“He was beaten extremely badly.” Arrested as he was about to climb the fence of the owner, in which he is suspected of having sexually assaulted a 6-year-old girl the day before, an unaccompanied minor was beaten up by the father of the child and three friends who came to lend him a hand. “Whipped with an electric cable” before being delivered to the police, the teenager was hospitalized in emergency and was issued the equivalent of 10 days of ITT.

The girl’s father who wanted revenge will be prosecuted for “aggravated violence”, his friends too, confirms the public prosecutor of Roanne. They will be summoned within a few days to the police station.

“We are not in the Far West”

“Justice will provide the necessary response, because it is inadmissible to arrogate to oneself the right to do justice oneself. We are in a state of law, not in the Far West”, noted
to Progress
Abdelkrim Grini, public prosecutor.

For his part, the father of the family assumes his gesture. “You would have done the same in my place. I only thought of my daughter. Even though I shouldn’t have done that, I don’t regret it in any way,” he said Tuesday morning on BFM. “Today, I find myself accused, it’s the world upside down. If I have to take 30 years, I will take 30 years but I don’t regret it, ”he insists.

Imprisoned, the teenager denies the facts

“I find it regrettable that we justify and legitimize violence and the right to take justice into our own hands, it is unacceptable, replies the public prosecutor again. Even if he (the suspect) had committed the acts for which he was indicted, that did not give the right to the father of the family to behave as he did, especially since the defendant contests the facts and he is still presumed innocent. »

The teenager, indicted for sexual assault on minors, was imprisoned on Sunday after his hospitalization.

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