The extension of metro line 4 in Bagneux attracts rail fans

“I like the train. “Certainly, one of the strong statements of the speech of Jean Castex on the occasion of the inauguration Thursday morning of the extension of line 4 in Bagneux. Not sure that this punchline heats up the refrigerated assembly. Because the small ceremony with ribbon cutting is being held in the brand new Lucie Aubrac – Bagneux station, with a very airy style, so much so that it is blithely covered by the icy drafts of January. “For the next inauguration, I will come with my hot water bottle”, also notes a man obviously used to these social events.

“At least, it’s very good to prevent the circulation of Covid-19”, maliciously points out Astrid Brobecker, elected ecologist of Hauts-de-Seine and resident of the neighboring town of Fontenay-aux-Roses, before taking the new line to join the demonstration of teachers against government policy. While it was enough to wave a banner during the speech of Jean Castex.

Whole cars of enthusiasts

So yes, the Prime Minister loves the train, and he is not the only one at the end of the morning, so many fans of public transport are numerous – at first glance – among the crowd of first users, including this young woman in black with a hat that could not resist the temptation to cheat, just ten seconds after the gates opened.

The new Lucie-Aubrac station in Bagneux. – G. Novello

But rail enthusiasts do not defraud, at least not the RATP. Because Jean-de-Dieu, ten years old, defrauded the school – with the blessing of his mother, she confesses – to attend this inauguration. “It’s super good, well done”, comments in specialist the one who came from Nanterre with his brother and his mother. We will meet him later in the bays of the station taking pictures to feed his Instagram account of influencer of the rail.

Boston and razed towers

Marcel, 18, is on the same page. “I came here as a transport enthusiast,” he explains. This is the station that all enthusiasts have been waiting for. I find it very beautiful and the architecture is quite successful. »After a little tour of the owner, he will take a look at the other open station,” Barbara “between” Mairie de Montrouge “and” Lucie-Aubrac “.

But in the small world of rolling stock enthusiasts, there are less enthusiastic minds. This is the case with Houchang, not more excited than that. “The new line 14 stations seemed a little more successful to me,” he said. I don’t like bare concrete, but other than that it’s beautiful. Houchang has the distinction of being a professor of international relations in Boston. “I would like to tell you that I came from the United States on purpose to see this new station, but that’s not true,” he jokes. What is true is that he spent a month in Paris, the city where he studied when he was younger, and that he came especially to Bagneux for the inauguration. “When there is a new station, I visit it. “

Finally, there were not only train specialists for this inauguration. There were also neighbors or ex-neighbors like Samicha, 45, who came with her two children. “I came for the opening because it is right next to the old home.” If she is “very happy with the new station”, she does not forget that we “made her leave for all that. Samicha was indeed a tenant of one of the towers razed to give birth to the Victor Hugo eco-district, encompassing the new station. And eight years later, she hasn’t forgotten that “it was hard to leave”.

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