The Explosive Growth of the Ethereum Layer-2 Network Will Continue in 2023

The Ethereum Layer-2 network has gone through a period of rapid growth over the past few months. And it will continue as a trend in 2023.

From the information it was found that The leading layer 2 networks have seen an increase in daily active users. This means growth in fees for the respective ecosystems.

According to Token Terminal data, Polygon leads the pack with 313,457 daily active users as of January 17. Optimism has seen a 190% increase in daily active users over the past three months. And that brings daily network fees to $119,475, a nearly 140% increase since the start of the year.

Arbitrum One currently has 41,694 daily active users, an increase of about 40% over the past three months.

At the same time, L2beat, the L2 ecosystem analytics platform specifyArbitrum has a 52% market share in terms of total locked money (TVL), which is currently $2.55 billion. Aribtrum has seen a 9% increase in TVL over the past week.

Optimism, the second largest L2 network, has a TVL of $1.46 billion. Resulting in a market share of 30%

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