The EU does not release the pressure on Russia but reviews its copy on gas

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Tehran on Tuesday, where he is due to start discussions with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts on the conflict in Syria, but also on the war in Ukraine.

State television showed live images of Vladimir Putin’s arrival in the Iranian capital, where he is making his second trip abroad since the launch of the Russian offensive in Ukraine on February 24.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for his part, arrived Monday evening and had bilateral talks with Iranian leaders who reiterated Tehran’s opposition to a Turkish offensive in northern Syria.

The phrase

“With the war [en Ukraine] it is very important that we continue to bring our European family together. »

The European Union on Tuesday opened accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, two countries blocked in the antechamber of the Union for eight and seventeen years, but the process still promises to be long and difficult before an integration.

The number

500. The European Commission has offered Member States European funding of 500 million euros to facilitate joint purchases of armaments. The latter have indeed “drawn from their stocks of ammunition, light or even heavy artillery, anti-aircraft or anti-tank defense systems or even armored vehicles and tanks”, to support Ukraine.

The trend of the day

The European Union is not letting up the pressure on Russia, but it will have to reduce its demand for gas more quickly than today to build up its stocks, if it wants to survive the winter without Russian gas. This is what the director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Monday, “worried for the months to come”.

“We should not just count on non-Russian gas resources: these will simply not be enough in volume to replace deliveries from Russia”, underlines Fatih Birol, in an article published by his organization.

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