The “escort-boy” who blackmailed the comedian sentenced to 9 months in prison

The case dates back to the fall of 2022. Yaniss H., a 29-year-old young man from Nîmes with a frail figure and long brown hair, appeared in the defendants’ box on Wednesday (being detained for another case). His criminal record already bears the mention of 14 convictions, including one for similar facts in 2018.

This “escort-boy”, tried for having blackmailed comedian Pierre Palmade by threatening to broadcast intimate images, was sentenced to nine months in prison by the Paris Criminal Court, after a closed hearing. closed. He had been contacted by Pierre Palmade on an escort site and had had paid sex with him on several occasions, during parties where the comedian had used synthetic drugs, revealed The Parisian.

A hearing behind closed doors

Against the backdrop of a dispute over the young man’s remuneration, Yaniss H. allegedly threatened Pierre Palmade with broadcasting a video taken without his knowledge during one of these evenings, asking him for money. Pierre Palmade, who was not present at the hearing, had filed a complaint in October 2022. “He took a long time to file a complaint because he feared media coverage, and that was the case,” his lawyer told the court. , Me Céline Lasek, asking for a closed session.

Against the opinion of the prosecution, which considered that the comedian had already expressed himself “in a public manner, in the media”, on these facts, the president ordered that the hearing be held without an audience “to respect” the dignity by Pierre Palmade. His lawyer did not wish to comment on the court’s judgment, which Yaniss H.’s counsel, Me Carmelo Vialette, described as a “balanced decision”.

On February 10, on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne, Pierre Palmade was driving a car that hit a vehicle coming in front. In addition to the actor, the accident left three seriously injured: a 38-year-old man, his 6-year-old son and his 27-year-old sister-in-law, who lost the baby she was expecting after the collision. Pierre Palmade, now 55 years old, was indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries and placed under judicial control, justice considering that his state of health was not compatible with detention.

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