The end of the tunnel ? “Current 2022”, for Delfraissy

To see “the end of the tunnel”, it will be necessary, according to the President of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, to wait “during 2022”. On France 2, Wednesday, he explained that the exit from the Covid-19 epidemic could be considered when “we have the 40 or 50 large countries of the world that have been vaccinated”.

Even if it will also require “a significant vaccination coverage in the rest of the world” to prevent the emergence of “new mutants and mutated viruses”.

In the meantime, the professor of immunology recommended caution with the return from vacation and the start of the school year and deemed very likely a third dose of anti-Covid vaccines for the majority of the population. The revaccination “will first concern the elderly”, because of the decline with age in the immune response to vaccines, he said, stressing that it will be a “booster to re-stimulate »Antibody production.

A situation “a little more difficult in the second half of September”

Some studies show that over time, the vaccine “protects (still) well against severe and serious forms, but less well against infection,” he recalled. “I think we will go to a third dose for a large part of the vaccinated population,” he said.

Faced with a current rate of around 25,000 new infections per day, 11,000 hospitalizations and 2,200 intensive care beds, the situation “could be a little more difficult in the second half of September,” he said. He recommended even vaccinated students to maintain precautionary gestures, remembering the contaminations that left the back-to-school holidays last year.

The first drugs could “change the game”

For the youngest children who cannot be vaccinated (under 12), he recommended better ventilation of schools and the installation of CO2 sensors. But above all a “very regular screening” through saliva tests “as is done in Germany, Austria and England”.

Next to the vaccine strategy in which he “believes very strongly”, Jean-François Delfraissy mentioned the first drugs which should “be ready by the end of the year” 2021. This “will change the situation” because from the onset symptoms, we can test and then treat the person for five days, to “reduce transmission and progression to severe forms.”

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