The embarrassing candidacy of Jérôme Peyrat, sentenced for domestic violence

It is one of the nominations, in the camp of the presidential majority Whole, which has been the most talked about for a week. Candidate in the fourth constituency of the Dordogne, the regional councilor and mayor of La Roque-Gageac Jerome Peyrat, was indeed appointed by the presidential party, despite his conviction in September 2020 by the Angoulême criminal court for “domestic violence. »

The opponents of the Head of State do not fail to recall that Emmanuel Macron had declared gender equality as the great cause of his new five-year term, and that he had promised not to leave women victims of violence “alone”. violence. On social networks, the case is also starting to make noise, relayed by defenders of the feminist cause but not only.

The outgoing MP “unplugged”

Even in the ranks of LREM, the investiture of this former adviser to Emmanuel Macron is beginning to be poorly digested by some activists.

The committees of the presidential party of Terrasson and Sarlat, if they do not refer to this condemnation, denounce that he takes “the place of the first woman elected deputy of our constituency”, Jacqueline Dubois, who had beaten five Jérôme Peyrat years old when he presented himself in the colors of LR. The interested party tasted little to have been “disconnected” to make way for her former adversary, and would consider a dissident candidacy, in particular to “defend the place of women. »

These two committees ensure that “many activists” will “support” and “campaign” with Jacqueline Dubois, if she decides to run.

“Amalgam” and “political use” according to Jérôme Peyrat

On September 18, 2020, Jérôme Peyrat was found guilty of intentional violence against his ex-companion, for facts dating back to December 30, 2019, and sentenced to a suspended fine of 3,000 euros. The victim had been recognized fourteen days of total incapacity for work.

Jérôme Peyrat ensures for his part that it was only a marital dispute. “I was driving, she ripped off my glasses, I tried to control her, she was hit in the chin, I did not try to hit her” he repeatsdenouncing in South West “the amalgam” between his case and the “real dramas of domestic violence”. For him, his story is the subject of an attempt at “political use” in particular on the part of “the extreme left. He recalls that he was sentenced to a suspended fine, and that since this case he has been elected regional councilor and re-elected mayor.

Explanations which have, for the time being, failed to extinguish the controversy.

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