The election will be held on Sundays April 10 and 24

In ten months (almost) straight away, the French will have appointed their future President of the Republic. Indeed, the next presidential election will take place on Sunday April 10 and 24, 2022, we learned on Wednesday confirming a
information from France Televisions. The official date was not to be announced until next week, but information leaked from several executive officials.

For the moment, a dozen political figures, including Marine Le Pen, Xavier Bertrand and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, have already declared themselves candidates for this presidential election scheduled for less than a year after the term of Emmanuel Macron. It will nevertheless be necessary to wait until March 2022 and the official filing of the 500 sponsorships of elected officials necessary to validate any candidacy, to know the final list of participants in the election.

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