The eight women who testify in “Liberation” launch the association #MeTooMedias

They want to be free to speak in the media. The eight women who accused Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of rape, assault and sexual harassment in Release Tuesday, decided to launch the association # MeTooMédias, reports
France Inter. Its statutes were filed Wednesday morning.

“We decided to create #MeTooMedias, not only about PPDA, but for all the women and men who suffer silently in this media environment,” explained to the radio site its president, journalist Emmanuelle Dancourt, one accusers in the case of Libé.


“Sexual violence: eight women accuse PPDA”, the file appeared in the daily, comes a few months after the classification without continuation of the preliminary investigation “for rapes” targeting the journalist. It follows in particular comments made by the former presenter of the TF1 JT on the set of Day-to-day last March. “Only anonymity, always anonymity. Never a person who dares to come, eye to eye, say to me: “No, that was not good” “, declared Patrick Poivre d’Arvor. “It was an additional awareness,” explains Emmanuelle Dancourt to France Inter.

Together, they therefore created # MeTooMédias to free speech beyond this matter. “We want to set up an association and offer an umbrella to all those who do not want to come out of anonymity, but who need this sorority”, she specifies.

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