The e-commerce giant claims to have paid 600 million euros in taxes in France in 2020

Amazon paid more than 600 million euros in compulsory levies in France in 2020 and achieved a turnover of 7.3 billion euros, said the American giant of online distribution, on Wednesday.

This is the third year in which the multinational communicates on its taxation: in 2018, it had paid 250 million euros, then 420 million euros in 2019.

Towards a minimum tax rate of 15%?

Like other American multinationals like Google, Apple and Facebook (the “Gafa”), Amazon is regularly accused of reducing its revenues in France to reduce its taxes. Of the 600 million euros, about 310 million are direct deductions (corporate tax, employer contributions or local taxes), and the rest corresponds to taxes such as VAT or social contributions.

“It is important to adopt an overall vision because focusing only on one element of taxation, such as corporate tax which, according to an OECD study, represents around 4% of tax revenue in France,” only gives a truncated view of the tax contribution of companies, ”Amazon said in a statement. This announcement comes when the heads of state and government of the G20 on October 31 gave the green light to a major tax reform, aimed at taxing multinationals more equitably and establishing a minimum global tax rate of 15 % from 2023.

Sales up 28%

On the occasion of the Amazon Academy, an event dedicated to e-commerce entrepreneurs held on Wednesday in Paris, the multinational also communicated on its turnover in France in 2020, up 28% from compared to 2019, when it stood at 5.7 billion euros. “13,000 French SMEs sell their products on Amazon, and they have created around 25,000 jobs,” said Frédéric Duval, general manager of Amazon France.

During the pandemic, many closed businesses accused Amazon of abusing the situation. The digital giant has always defended itself by highlighting its role in the French economy, and had launched a training program at the end of 2020 for traders wishing to achieve their digital transition. To date, it has trained around 8,000 entrepreneurs.

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