the duvet, your best ally

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Every gesture counts

On October 6, 2022, the French Government set up a energy sobriety plan. The objective being to push the French to adopt less energy-intensive actions on a daily basis, both for individuals and professionals. Thus, it is recommended to lower the temperature of the heating, to start your washing machine or your dishwasher during off-peak hours, but also to switch off the appliances which are not used instead of leaving them on standby, to turn off the lights every time you leave a room, etc.

An awareness campaign has been launched to make the general public aware of the issues.

Turn down the heat while staying warm

Among the recommendations of the French State is temperature reduction living rooms of his home at 19°C, or even 17 or 18°C ​​when the rooms are not occupied or during the night, a recommendation, moreover, already included in the Energy Code of 1978.

More specifically concerning the bedrooms, with the exception of those of very young children, the idea of ​​lowering the temperature there at night is to be adopted, because beyond the fact that sleeping in an overheated room is harmful to your health, it is thus possible to make real savings without really realizing it, provided you are equipped with a good duvet.

To do this, we suggest that you take a look at the site You will then have the choice between a wide range of quality duvets adapted to your different needs.

Why is it essential to choose a warm duvet to sleep well?

If you suffer from cold at night, the quality of your sleep is diminished, your sleep itself is no longer as restorative and your health is at stake. This is explained by the following facts:

  • The chilliness of some sleepers may have impact on their health, because when the body is cold, it leads to tense muscles and an expenditure of energy that go against total and beneficial rest. The necessary ingredient for good sleep is total letting go of body and mind. Without it, you wake up tired in the morning.
  • The other point to take into account is that if one suffers from the cold at night, it hinders the proper functioning of the immune defenses.

These are the reasons why it is important to cover yourself enough to sleep comfortably and benefit from a restorative sleep. If you tend to have cold feet, you can add a pair of socks or an extra blanket at your feet. Also consider installing a headboard that will protect you from the cold emanating from the wall.

A quilt for the winter

Among all the existing duvets, there is no doubt that you will find the one that meets your preferences and the different criteria that you must take into account to choose it. Among these :

  • The size of your bed: remember that if you take a duvet that is too small, you risk finding yourself uncovered during the night.
  • The morphology of the sleeper(s) and their habits: here too the size of the duvet must be sufficient.
  • room temperature : to cover yourself in winter, opt for a warm duvet, especially if you have decided to lower the temperature of your room. Thanks to its larger filling, this type of duvet will allow you to be warm all night long. You will be able to save energy and spend a pleasant night.

The 4 season duvet

To have a good winter, without having to change your duvet depending on the temperature, you can turn to a 4 season duvet which is the combination of two duvets: a light duvet for summer, a medium duvet for spring or autumn.

Then in winter, thanks to a system of ties or press studs, these two duvets can be combined to face the extreme cold with a thick duvet. It can thus prove to be a good alternative for both sleeping warm and saving energy. However, for the most cautious, it is preferable to turn to a specific duvet for winter.

Cold Duvet
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The different compositions

When choosing your warm duvet for the winter, you will have to choose between a natural filling and one synthetic filling.

Duvets with natural filling

These comforters are filled with natural materials which can be down, that is to say the small feathers found under the large feathers, goose or duck. This type of duvet has many advantages such as:

  • benefit from a lasting solution in time ;
  • not feel the weight of the duvetbecause these duvets play in the “featherweight” category;
  • pass warm comfortable nightsbecause down keeps the heat in;
  • enjoy a appreciable swelling.

These are high quality duvets, but are often more expensive than synthetic duvets.

Duvets with synthetic filling

These duvets are filled with a polyester fiber which is lighter than that of other duvets. They also have the significant advantages of being easy to maintain and less expensive. The swelling of the duvet is obtained thanks to its method of manufacture and the presence of air in the hollow fibres. You can also find synthetic duvets whose components are more environmentally friendly. This is the case of recycled polyester or organic cotton.

Hybrid duvets

Some duvet models offer a mixture of natural filling and synthetic filling to allow users to take advantage of the different advantages of these two types of filling.

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