“The dream ship: Mauritius”: Ex-“crime scene” star Andreas Hoppe experienced this

“The Dream Ship: Mauritius”
That’s what ex-“crime scene” star Andreas Hoppe experienced

“The dream ship: Mauritius”: Sabine Budarek (Janina Hartwig) and her husband Thomas (Andreas Hoppe) meet an old cemetery when they go ashore.

© ZDF / Dirk Bartling

Ex-“Tatort” star Andreas Hoppe and ex-“For heaven’s sake” star Janina Hartwig are a “dream ship” couple. That’s what he says in the interview.

On Easter Sunday (April 17, 8:15 p.m.), “Das Traumschiff” (ZDF) sets sail in the direction of “Mauritius” in the Indian Ocean. This time, the former “Tatort” favorite (1996-2018) Andreas Hoppe (61, “Ein Tisch in of Provence”). In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the Berlin actor talks about his experiences on the cruise ship and on land. He also gets into raptures about his film wife, who was played by ex-star Janina Hartwig – the two knew each other before the shoot.

How did you like it on the “dream ship” and would a private cruise be something for you?

Andreas Hoppe: It was great on the ship, a dream to look out over the sea from the room – this vastness after or during a pandemic. Personally, I prefer something smaller and with fewer people, maybe a sailing ship? But I would ride again anytime. If I could wish for one destination, it would be Tierra del Fuego. I’m very interested in that.

Did you get seasick on the “dream ship” or were you afraid of it?

Hoppe: No, I didn’t get seasick, the ship was too big for that and the sea was too calm. But I wasn’t afraid either.

How did you like Mauritius?

Hoppe: Mauritius is fantastically beautiful, it was a new discovery for me. The sea is a dream. We also shot on a tea plantation for one day. That was very special.

Did you take a souvenir from the shooting?

Hoppe: In Port Louis, the capital of Mauritius, I got a Blue Mauritius [eine der wertvollsten und bekanntesten Briefmarken der Welt, Red.] granted. A lovely gift from a colleague. The stamp is hanging on my fridge. (laughs)

How was working with the “Traumschiff” team, were you quickly accepted as the lead actor in the episode?

Hoppe: A great team, a great production and extremely charming colleagues. You immediately had a “family connection” – a heartfelt thank you from me for that.

Janina Hartwig and you play a married couple. Did you already know each other and how was the collaboration?

Hoppe: I would almost like to say that the cooperation was, as always, great! She is a wonderful colleague and it was a pleasure to see each other again. I had the great pleasure of meeting her while filming a “Rosamunde Pilcher” film in England last year.

In the film you are a stamp collector. Can you understand the fascination?

Hoppe: To be honest, not really. Although there are already very nice specimens and the stories behind them can be very exciting.

What scene will you remember shooting because it was so funny or because so much went wrong?

Hoppe: The scene in which the stamps in our ship’s cabin had to be thrown around by a draft. They always flew somewhere else, we had to look for them or improvise. I hope the scene turned out to be as amusing in the film.

Apart from clothes and a toiletry bag, what do you always take with you when you travel?

Hoppe: I always have a talisman with me.

“The Dream Ship: Mauritius” will be broadcast at Easter. What is your favorite way to spend this festival privately?

Hoppe: I prefer to spend Easter looking for eggs or gifts and having brunch with my partner and our friends.

Will you watch the “Dream Ship: Mauritius” episode on TV?

Hoppe: Yes, in a small circle, definitely!

What can your fans look forward to next professionally with you?

Hoppe: I’m working on some book projects and then I’d like to go on a reading tour.

And will we ever see you in a “crime scene” again?

Hoppe: Probably not, there are so many other exciting film projects… but who knows.


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