The documentary “Sourde” on BrutX… “Neighborhood stories” by Oxmo Puccino on Arte Radio…

There is not only the direct in life, there is also the replay. From YouTube to Netflix to TV channel replays and radio station podcasts, 20 minutes every Sunday concocts a list of things to see, or review, listen to or listen to again.

In the daily life of a deaf girl

End of november, BrutX uploaded Deaf, a 42-minute documentary that plunges into the world of Eozenn, an 18-year-old girl. A high school student suffering from profound deafness (like four generations of her family before her) and who has agreed to share her daily life for six months with documentary filmmaker Camille Courcy. “For me deafness is not a handicap, I do not speak and I do not read well on the lips. I speak French sign language and it is my mother tongue, ”explains Eozenn in particular. On the form, the documentary alternates sequences from the point of view of the hearing (with everyday noises), and others from the point of view of the hearing impaired, of silence and their sensations. Above all, it highlights the daily life of a young girl almost like any other, who does not hear but lives just as intensely.

Marion Motin is revealed on Téva

She is one of the most prominent choreographers of the moment and is notably hiding behind the latest shows by Stromae, Christine and the Queen or even Angèle. And from December 15 to 17, she will present her new show The Big Sot at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris. Before that, Téva invites you to (re) discover Marion Motin through the documentary Dance with the wolf, directed by Anne Cutaia. The film signs the portrait of the dancer, looks back on her journey and follows her in her creative work. “I told myself that it could be interesting to share my life as a choreographer and a mother, to follow the process of creating my next show, The Big Sot. And, why not, inspire vocations! », Marion Motin explained to
TV 7 Days. Released on December 2, the doc is to be reviewed on
6play (with subscription).

“Neighborhood stories” collected by Oxmo Puccino

Accompanied by director David Commeillas, rapper and writer Oxmo Puccino signed a podcast for Arte Radio on “neighborhood stories”. Eleven fifteen-minute episodes in which anonymous and personalities (including rapper Medina, actress Melha Bedia or photographer Fifou) deliver memories and anecdotes about their respective neighborhoods. A series that aims to be “a collection of living memory to tell the story of France today”, to listen to this way.

Damso has his own radio show on Apple Music

For those who have missed the news, Damso has been hosting his own show on Apple Music since mid-November, THEVIERADIO. Note that he is the first French-speaking artist to do so on the platform, in the tradition of shows by American artists like Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish or Pharell Williams. Each month, the rapper and his sidekick Dj Ritchie Santos will discuss musical news, receive guests and share their favorites. The first episode is to listen
this way.

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