The dissolution of the Nantes Révoltée collective has been launched, announces Gérald Darmanin

It won’t have dragged on. The day after the request for dissolution of the far left collective
Nantes revolted, expressed by regional president Christelle Morançais (LR), Gérald Darmanin announced on Tuesday that she had launched the procedure. The far-left group “Nantes révoltée” is implicated for having called on Friday for an undeclared demonstration in the city “against the State, against the police”. “Antifascist” demonstration tarnished by material damage and clashes with the police.

“I have decided to initiate the adversarial process which would allow the dissolution of this de facto grouping”, indicated the Minister of the Interior to the National Assembly, in response to a question from the LREM deputy for Loire-Atlantique Varie Opelt.

A collective and a media

Regularly present in demonstrations in Nantes city center for half a dozen years, the Nantes Révoltée collective is also very active on social networks, in particular when it comes to denouncing “police violence” or prefectural decisions.

The group, followed by nearly 200,000 people on Facebook, is also a medium that publishes printed journals. The ninth issue, which is called Counter attack, is moreover released a few days ago. Several Nantes cafes distribute it.

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