The dismembered body is that of a Portuguese woman residing in Luxembourg

It was “thanks to the dissemination through the press of the drawings of the victim’s tattoos”, that the judicial authorities of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg were able to identify “the woman with the dismembered body”, indicated the public prosecutor of Nancy, Francois Perain. The victim is a “Portuguese national residing in Luxembourg” specified the prosecution.

The body, dismembered and headless, was found in mid-September in Mont-Saint-Martin in Meurthe-et-Moselle. The identification was confirmed by a “DNA comparison”, added the Nancy prosecutor’s office, which therefore relinquished the case to the benefit of the Dierkich prosecutor’s office, in Luxembourg, said the magistrate.

No traces of injuries or violence

The victim’s trunk had been discovered by a passerby “near a disused building” in the small town located on the border with Belgium and Luxembourg, the Nancy prosecutor’s office had detailed. The results of the autopsy of the body of the woman, who was between 20 and 35 years old, had revealed no traces of bullet or stab wounds or sexual violence.

She was probably killed “within 24 hours” preceding the discovery of the body, obviously “dismembered in another place”, indicated François Pérain. The investigators and the prosecution had distributed to the press the drawings of the tattoos present on the trunk of the victim, in an attempt to identify him. The prosecution had also opened a procedure to identify the author of a video of the victim’s body which had circulated on social networks.

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