The Defender of Rights expresses her “concerns” on the vaccine pass bill

The Defender of Rights Claire Hédon expressed on Tuesday her “concerns” related to the bill establishing a vaccination pass, saying she was “particularly concerned” by the effect of the project on minors.

“The question of the necessity and the proportionality of the vaccination pass arises in the light of the data and knowledge available to date which show that while vaccination protects very significantly against serious forms of the disease, its effectiveness against contagiousness people vaccinated but infected, on the other hand, seems to be smaller, ”said Claire Hédon in an opinion published on Tuesday.

The agitated project review

The examination of the bill, one of the pillars of the health policy of President Emmanuel Macron, had to be suspended overnight from Monday to Tuesday when it should have been a mere formality, a majority of parliamentarians supporting the text. It resumed Tuesday evening.

This text confirms the fears already expressed by the Defender of Rights “by further accentuating the progressive restriction of freedoms and by providing for a disguised vaccination obligation”, writes Claire Hédon. “The exceptional measures called for by the pandemic must comply with the principle of legality and for that to prove strictly necessary, proportionate and adapted to the health risks incurred”, she believes.

Fears about adolescents

His fears concerning in particular 12-18 year olds who find themselves in “a special situation” which “justifies”, according to the Defender of Rights, their exclusion from the system. Parents’ consent is compulsory for children under 16. “They may therefore be deprived of the exercise of their freedoms for a decision which is not their responsibility.”

“The severe forms rarely affecting minors, the argument consisting in justifying the passage from the sanitary pass to the vaccination pass by the need to alleviate the pressure on the hospital system cannot be validly advanced for what concerns them”, affirms the Defender. rights in the notice. It also recommends that the system for verifying “the pass” be more closely regulated and “preventing the risk of discrimination”.

In the midst of the epidemic’s outbreak, the government initially aimed for final adoption at the end of the week, before coming into force on January 15. But, 125 deputies – against 121 – refused, by a vote by show of hands, the continuation of the debates, for lack of parliamentarians of the majority of center-right in sufficient number.

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