“The decline has begun,” says Professor Arnaud Fontanet…

9:42 a.m.: “We cannot rule out a 6th or 7th wave”, warns Arnaud Fontanet

Will there be other epidemic waves? It is possible, according to Arnaud Fontanet. “There will again be waves of which it is difficult to say what their severities will be. […] We do not exclude a 6th or 7th wave, we will be better armed, ”warned the epidemiologist.

“The process of the emergence of variants will continue to exist. If you have a variant that emerges that is capable of immune escape and extreme contagiousness, we may end up with a new wave, ”clarified the member of the Scientific Council.

“If we are lucky with Omicron to have a mild variant, we will have waves that will affect hospitalizations but not resuscitations. If unfortunately the next variant, which escapes a lot, very contagious and more severe, it will be more difficult. But the good news in all this is that with each wave we add a layer of natural and vaccine immunity, it lasts in protection against serious forms, ”he added.

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