The day after the New Year, he bets 2 euros and wins nearly 3 million at the casino

And happy New Year ! After the holidays, there are those who bet on detox, those who take up sport and those who let chance decide their future. It is to this last category that belongs an inhabitant of Aisne who went, Sunday, to try his luck in Pasino de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, in the North.

No one will blame this lucky thirty-something for having listed among his good resolutions for 2022 to go tickle the one-armed bandit. The day after New Year’s Eve, this man went to play slot machines at the Partouche group establishment. Small notable feature, within the group, 165 machines distributed in 38 casinos are connected to each other. With each bet, these machines abound a common pot which can be won if a player gets the maximum combination.

Luck therefore fell on this man, “occasional player”, when he had initially bet only 2 euros. When the reels of the machine stopped he won 2,626,909 euros. A rare chance since only 31 people have won more than a million in ten years at the “megapot” of Partouche.

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