the data published on the dark web is not linked to Thales defense or military programs

The Russian-speaking group Lockbit 3.0 had indicated that “all available data” would be published and had released a count up to November 7.

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Data relating to Thales, hacked on October 31, 2022, was posted on the dark web on Thursday by the Russian-speaking group Lockbit 3.0, learned a journalist from franceinfo, which the company confirmed on Friday. At this stage, Thales confirms “that there is no intrusion into its information systems”.

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According to our information, concerning the stolen data, there is no information related to defense programs or military programs of Thales. Also according to our information, the defense and technology group intends to file a complaint, but only once the analysis of all the stolen data has been carried out by the group’s cyber experts in the coming days.

Thales security experts have identified one of two likely sources of the information theft. It’s about “partner’s account on a dedicated exchange portal that led to the disclosure of a limited amount of information”. Security experts are continuing their investigations to identify the other source of this data leak. The company remains vigilant regarding any data theft, “by systematically mobilizing its teams of security experts, the protection of the data of our stakeholders is our absolute priority”. For the moment, the group indicates that there is no impact on its activities.

Lockbit 3.0 has already claimed the theft of data from the French group at the beginning of the year, but it was ultimately not sensitive data. This group of hackers became known in France with the cyberattack on the Sud Francilien hospital center in Corbeil-Essonnes at the end of August. He demanded a ransom of $10 million, then published patient, staff and partner data on his website.

A Russian-Canadian national suspected of having developed the Lockbit ransomware was arrested in Canada on October 26, according to a press release from the American justice system. Mikhail Vasiliev was arrested following a two-and-a-half-year investigation by the National Gendarmerie with the help of Europol’s European Cybercrime Center (EC3), the FBI and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). According to our information, the cybergendarmes went to Canada at the time of the arrest. Aged 33, he is now awaiting his extradition to the United States or France. For its part, the Paris prosecutor’s office indicated that it would communicate at the beginning of the week on this case.

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