the cyclist who killed Pistache on purpose is “a junk mini-Poutine”

It’s a little dog who didn’t ask for anything, who was just walking around there, and who had the misfortune to come across a cyclist full of hatred, as you were told on Friday 20 minutes. This story, that of Pistache, a 9-year-old chihuahua hit by a mountain bike in the forest of Fausses-Reposes, in the Yvelines, triggered an avalanche of reactions of indignation, but also of support, on social networks. Especially since According to several witnesses, the dog was intentionally run over while he was walking with other dogs and a professional walker.

A few days after the tragedy, 20 minutes spoke with Delphine, the “mom” of Pistache, who is still in “total incomprehension”, and evokes the memory of the animal killed.

How do you feel ?

It’s a rollercoaster, I’m still a bit in shock, I have an anvil on my head when I wake up in the morning… But I’ve had a lot of support on social media, and it makes me happy. good because it forces me to act.

Yes there were a lot of reactions… Does that surprise you?

Such massive support, yes… It was very quick. We know how it unfolds, but when it happens to you, it’s still very surprising. There have been media and also influencers, and even reality TV stars from Dubai. There is an influencer named Noholita. His dog is called Twister, they were in the same walking group with Pistache. When she learned of Pistache’s death, she made a story. This is what sparked the buzz among people who follow influencers. There are people who have talked about it like Eva Ducci and Milla Jasmine, which is in Dubai. Maurine, the mistress of a dog walked by one of the assaulted walkers, wrote to me and contacted the media. There is now a petition posted [qui atteint plus de 36.000 signatures], when I saw that, I couldn’t believe it. The lady making the petition called the prosecutor. And then the Brigitte-Bardot foundation contacted me to file a civil action.

Pistachio was the neighborhood mascot…

Yes, all the restaurateurs in the neighborhood where I live, Montmartre, loved Pistache. My dog ​​was a bit like the dog of the whole neighborhood, each person made it his own. I’m not jealous, I was happy for him, I was like, “The more affection he has, the better. The manager of the bar next to my house, Bar’t, was devastated when he found out. He often gave Pistache a small slice of ham, he congratulated him… There was a whole ceremony, the tourists were thrilled. During our walks, we continued the street near the funicular, we passed in front of the rue des Trois Frères, there is a caterer called Joss. Pistache would sit down, and Monsieur Joss would cut him a slice of his homemade ham on the bone. When we got to rue des Martyrs, at the Spree café, I let go of Pistache in the café, everyone loved it. The Ekyog shop also knew about it, the owner even kept Pistache for me for a week when I was on vacation. Pistache even came in costume to my hairdresser’s daughter’s wedding. You know, it makes me happy to talk about Pistache. When I tell you about it, it lives again.

Pistache, the dog killed by an ATV, with one of the merchants in the neighborhood where he lived. -DR

Have you ever had problems with cyclists before?

Me no, I’ve never had this kind of problem, more with scooters. But I have noticed, through the testimonies I have received, that there is a lot of aggression towards dog walkers. People have the impression of being invaded by Parisians, some who live around Paris are upset by this, there is real tension. The people who walked my dog ​​are attacked regularly. Some companies walk 10 dogs at the same time, I understand that it can annoy people, but not the company I employed. And anyway, that doesn’t justify killing a dog. There is a more global problem of living together… I realized that it completely exceeded my problem.

What do you want to say to this cyclist who killed Pistache?

We still haven’t found him. I want to tell him that I don’t understand…I didn’t do anything to him, I didn’t enter his house, I didn’t set his car on fire, and his point of view, he communicated it by violence and murder. He was hooded, so for me it was premeditated. He wanted to run over dogs for the first time. I have a total misunderstanding. I am someone of dialogue, I do not understand that violence is the way to assert his point of view. It’s like junk mini-Putins who think that with violence they will make their point of view. He’s someone who can’t control his anger. I wonder how you can store so much violence to kill a dog.

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