The cult comic “L’Incal” will be adapted for the cinema by Taika Waititi

A cult comic, but deemed unsuitable! While Dune by Denis Villeneuve is a hit at the box office, Les Humanoïdes Associés announced on Monday on
Twitter that L’Incal, the SF comic book series scripted by Alexandro Jodorowsky and drawn by Mœbius was going to be brought to the screen, but without revealing the director’s name.

This film adaptation will be signed by the New Zealand filmmaker, Oscar winner for Jojo rabbit, Taika Waititi, according to information from BFMTV. com, published this Thursday.

A series of comics born from the failure of “Dune”

Filmmaker Alexandro Jodorowsky tried to adapt Frank Herbert’s masterpiece. He entrusted part of the preparatory illustrations to Moebius. After several years of preproduction of this titanic project, Alexandro Jodorowsky is let go by his Hollywood backers.

The ideas of this pre-production work give birth to another art project, the comic book series The Incal. These plates, published between 1980 and 1988 in the columns of the review Screaming metal, follow the private detective John Difool, who receives from a dying alien a white pyramid with extraordinary powers, called the Incal.

This masterpiece, a mixture of space opera, metaphysics, satire and psychoanalysis, will influence the greatest SF directors like George Lucas, Ridley Scott, or even… Denis Villeneuve!

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