The Crown Prince and the Nazis: A Visit to Stephan Malinowski – Culture

The Crown Prince and the Nazis: The Hohenzollerns have been taking massive action against journalists, politicians and historians for years. A visit to Stephan Malinowski, who has had legal dealings with you since 2015


Alex Rühle

Stephan Malinowski himself doesn’t know exactly how he got into this mess. “I was asked a historical question. I tried to answer it,” he says in The Devil’s Advocate, a bar in Edinburgh’s old town. The dark stone alleys in this quarter look like something out of “Harry Potter” – 400 meters from here is the Elephant House, the café where Joanne K. Rowling wrote the beginning of her series of novels. Malinowski teaches as a historian at the renowned University of Edinburgh, he teaches seminars on Germany in the 20th century, on colonial history, on the political work of Hannah Arendt and reads on European history since 1789. Actually. Mainly Stephan Malinowski has been struggling with the Hohenzollerns for years.

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