“The Crown” makers are apparently working on spin-off series

Netflix series
From Queen Victoria to fascism: “The Crown” makers are apparently working on the prequel

Matt Smith as Prince Philip and Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth II in “The Crown”

© Robert Viglasky / Picture Alliance

“The Crown” is one of the hit series on the Netflix streaming service. Therefore, according to a report, the makers are now planning prequel series. That’s what it should be about.

In “The Crown” fans get closer to the royals than they ever have in real life. Or at least their fictional interpretations. In previous seasons, you could see how Queen Elizabeth II (played by Claire Foy) ascended the throne, or how the Queen (then played by Olivia Colman) dealt with her sister Margaret’s affair. The most recent seasons covered, among other things, the marriage crisis of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

“The Crown”: Apparently a spin-off series is being planned

It seems as if they want to continue the successful concept and offer Netflix subscribers even more royal content. As the “Daily Mail” reports, the “The Crown” makers are said to be working on several prequel series. According to the newspaper, author Peter Morgan is said to be working on five historical spin-off series. The story is said to begin with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. The stories are said to extend up to and including the rise of fascism in Europe. There is talk of a £500 million project.

“It’s a bit like ‘Star Wars’ where there’s an opportunity to expand the franchise by immersing yourself in the story. It will start with the death of Queen Victoria and end roughly where ‘The Crown’ began, namely at the Queen’s wedding in 1947,” a source tells the paper.

Turbulent story

If you look at the historical events from 1901 to 1947, there is a lot of narrative potential. Between Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, four kings reigned for different lengths of time. The period from 1901 to 1947 was also socially turbulent: two world wars, the Irish War of Independence and an economic upswing and a recession.

Not only royal fans, but also history lovers should look forward to the new “The Crown” seasons.

Source used: “Daily Mail”

+++ Also read:

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