The Covid-19 has now killed more people than the Spanish flu

A much more deadly virus. The Covid-19 has now killed more Americans than the Spanish flu in 1918 and 1919, according to data released Monday by Johns-Hopkins University.

50 million dead from the Spanish flu

In the United States, more than 675,700 people infected with the coronavirus have died according to the latest report from the American institute. However, according to historians and data from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the country’s main health agency, the Spanish flu had killed 675,000 Americans.

The virus, which raged at the beginning of the twentieth century and killed at least 50 million people around the world, therefore lost its title on Monday as the most serious pandemic in recent United States history. Unlike Covid-19, however, this pandemic was particularly deadly in age groups believed to be in good health, including those under 5 and people aged 20 to 40.

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