The court studies the course towards the jihad of the commando of Bataclan

A radicalized “autodidact” on the Internet, an express indoctrinated and a “fundamentalist” file S. At the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, the court on Friday studied the path towards jihad of the members of the Bataclan commando.

During their four weeks of testimony at the bar, the survivors of the massacre with the weapon of war which left 90 dead in the concert hall often mentioned the names of Samy Amimour, Ismaël Mostefaï and Foued Mohamed Aggad. The investigators of the DGSI who testify today come them to summarize the “finished product” of an investigation “anything but linear” which begins the next day – when the bodies of the three attackers are identified, and their relatives placed in police custody.

Two attempts to reach Syria

The “209SI” commissioner, who shows his face entirely blurred in videoconference, begins with Samy Amimour. On the screen, is projected his “CV” – born in Paris, in 1987 -, illustrated with an astonishing photo of the “fighter of the Islamic State” posing lying down in T-shirt, a kitten in the arms. “A discrepancy” noted by her older sister, says the investigator. “Even while he is in Syria, they talk about Louis de Funès and Disney, and he sends him photos of landscapes and cats”.

The hearings of his relatives made it possible to draw the portrait of a young man “introverted”, “always on the internet” where he discovered religion, in high school. A “classic case of radicalization 2.0”, sums up the commissioner. He took a Bac L, became a bus driver for the RATP. He was about 23 years old when his relatives noticed a change in behavior: he “puts on gloves to shake hands with non-Muslims”, “throws away his CDs” or “the bottles of alcohol in the house”.

In 2012, continues “209SI”, Samy Amimour gradually empties his bank accounts and tries a first departure towards “a land of jihad”. He is arrested in Djibouti. The second attempt will be the good one – he joined Syria in 2013 despite his judicial control, and joined a brigade of French-speaking combatants known to be particularly violent. On the spot, he “will recruit” on the internet his future wife, who, at 17, leaves France to join him.

“Calm, he could be violent on religious issues”

Ismaël Mostefaï, born in 1985 in the Parisian suburbs, crosses the Franco-Turkish border at the same time as Samy Amimour. Therefore, both “will not leave each other”, say the investigators. Unlike Samy Amimour “the autodidact”, Ismaël Mostefai “bathes him in a fairly fundamentalist religious environment”, explains the commissioner. His father told investigators not to have noticed any sign of radicalism, “but it is to be put in perspective”: at home, the men and women dined in separate rooms, notes “209SI”. “Kind, calm, he could be violent on religious issues,” said his little sister, to whom he dictated his outfits.

Filed S in 2009 for his membership in the Salafist movement in Chartres, he manages to get to Syria, a “secret orchestrated by all of his family”, who will claim that he is in Dubai and help his wife to join him. . There, probably thanks to his religious knowledge and his mastery of Arabic, he became “leader” of a group of French combatants.

“Blood pact”

How did they meet the third member of the commando, Foued Mohamed Aggad? The constitution of the “operational trio” probably took place during 2014, and is confirmed by a propaganda video which will be made public after the attacks, in January 2016. In turn, the three future attackers, with their faces uncovered, behead prisoners . “A blood pact”, explains the commissioner.

Born in eastern France in 1992, Foued Mohamed Aggad himself “quite quickly” radicalized, points out another investigator from the DGSI, also testifying anonymously by videoconference. His relatives note a change in behavior “in the summer of 2013”, in particular in contact with Mourad Fares, a leading recruiter of jihad candidates.

Returning to France “to do a dirty thing”

Foued Mohamed Aggad left for Syria in December 2013 with nine others, including his older brother Karim. Of the ten members of the “Strasbourg group”, only Foued Mohamed Aggad remains in the area where he fights in several battalions. In contact with his family from “the day of his arrival” to his departure at the end of August 2015 for Europe, he does not hide any of his activities or “his fate of dying during a kamikaze operation”, notes the investigator “020SI “.

To his mother, to whom he had said that if he returned to France it would be “to do a dirty thing”, he announced, seven minutes before the assault on Bataclan on the night of November 13, 2015, that he was going “soon. meet Allah ”.

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