The court orders the Toulouse University Hospital to have the fresco of the medical boarding school installed

the Toulouse University Hospital 48 hours to get the pornographic fresco present for several weeks in the refectory of
the boarding school at Purpan hospital. After this period, the hospital center will be required to pay 100 euros per day. This decision taken in summary proceedings by the
Administrative CourtFollows a freedom summary filed by the association Osez le feminisme and Sud Santé sociales.

An appeal to the court because their request to have this fresco which appeared several weeks ago had not resulted in its withdrawal. This four by three meter painting represents a pornographic version of Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix featuring heads of hospital departments, in very explicit and obscene positions.

Government questioning on the rifle spirit

A table in the spirit of rifle according to some, but which is far from being to everyone’s taste. And not the court in this case, which considers that it “carries a serious and manifestly illegal attack on the right to respect for human dignity and characterizes an emergency situation such as to justify the intervention of the judge of the interim freedom” , he said in a press release. And if the fresco has since been covered by a white sheet, “given the random nature of its use”, the judge considers that this is insufficient.

For the association Dare feminism, it is a victory. “They are everywhere in France, in all the CHUs. It is time for the government to issue a circular on the subject. There is a study which indicates that one in four interns is a victim of sexual violence, and 16% drop out of school. This fresco shows that there is a particularly offensive atmosphere, with a trivialization of the passage to the act. It is a world permeated by sexist culture. The spirit of the rifle is in no way humor ”, assures Lorraine Questiaux, the lawyer of the feminist association.

The management will have the frescoes removed this Wednesday

When the presence of this fresco was unveiled, the management had requested by mail to the association of interns to remove the fresco. A missive with no real effect. This Wednesday, she indicated in a press release that she took note of the judge’s decision and that “the paintings will be the subject of an immediate dropout today, December 8, 2021, by the association of interns, in accordance with to the order pronounced ”. In addition to this fresco, other older ones, present in the halls of the boarding school should therefore disappear.

“The CHU and its medical community, the faculties of health and the association of interns recall their strictest commitment to the fight against any form of attack on the dignity of persons. For several years now, they have been pursuing a policy of preventing and combating harassment, in particular sexual harassment, and discrimination, ”the CHU management also reminds us.

A fresco mimicking a gang rape at Clermont-Ferrand hospital will be removed

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