The Court of Cassation confirms the continued detention of the nurse’s husband

A year after his imprisonment for the murder of his wife, Delphine, this summer, Cédric Jubillar saw his placement in pre-trial detention extended for six months. A decision taken first by the judge of freedoms, confirmed on July 4 by the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal.

The lawyers of the plasterer, suspected of being at the origin of the death of his wife, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in the Tarn, had lodged an appeal before the Court of Cassation. “After having examined both the admissibility of the appeal and the procedural documents, the Court of Cassation finds that there is, in this case, no means of such a nature as to allow the appeal to be admitted. Consequently, the Court declares the appeal not admitted”, indicated the highest French judicial court.

An “empty” indictment file

In solitary confinement at the Seysses remand center, since June 2021, his lawyers have since multiplied requests for release, in vain.

During his last interrogation by the investigating judges, a week ago, his defenders, Maîtres Martin and Alary, again criticized an “empty” indictment file according to, as well as the flouting of the presumption of innocence. . They demanded the holding of a reconstitution so that “we are opposed to a thesis, truths”, pleaded Alexandre Martin.

For several months, investigators have claimed to have “serious and consistent evidence” against Delphine Jubillar’s husband.

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