The Court of Appeal rules on Monday on a placement in pre-trial detention

Pierre Palmade will know a little more this Monday about the treatment reserved for him by the courts. The Paris Court of Appeal will indeed say whether he remains under house arrest in a hospital under electronic surveillance or whether he is placed in pre-trial detention, as requested by the prosecution after the serious accident he caused on 10 February under the influence of cocaine.

The accident, which took place in Seine-et-Marne, left three seriously injured: a 38-year-old man, his six-year-old son and his 27-year-old sister-in-law, who lost his baby after the collision. six months she waited. According to the latest information on their state of health communicated by the prosecution, the driver and his son are still hospitalized in intensive care in serious condition.

Pierre Palmade victim of a stroke

The 54-year-old comedian is indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries by driver having used narcotics in a state of legal recidivism. On February 17 in Melun, the judge of freedoms and detention had assigned him to residence, under electronic bracelet, in the addiction service of a hospital. This decision was challenged on Friday before the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal by the general prosecutor’s office.

The decision will be made Monday at the end of the morning, while the state of health of the actor is the subject of speculation. Pierre Palmade suffered a stroke on Saturday at the end of the day, confirmed his entourage, after press information. Several media had reported that the actor, hospitalized in Villejuif in the Val-de-Marne, had suffered a stroke but that his vital prognosis was not engaged. He was transferred to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital, confirmed a source familiar with the matter.

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