The couple starts a new practice concept in Neuburg

33 mins ago

Burak and Valentina Kusche want to combine dentistry and nutritional advice in one practice. With the help of dental images, chronic diseases can be prevented.

Sugar is bad for your teeth. This much is known to most people. Likewise, you should be careful with acid because it attacks tooth enamel. However, Valentina and Burak Kusche want to shed light on the fact that most other foods also have a positive or negative effect on the teeth and mouth with a new practice offering in Neuburg. Because you can determine almost the entire health of the body from your teeth – and use this to create an individual nutritional concept.

On the one hand, there is dentistry. When you see a doctor you see damage, repair it – problem solved! And then there is nutritional advice. It is used for weight problems, or for allergies and digestive problems. Both areas could be connected – and should be, if the Kusche couple from Irgertsheim have their way. Because your teeth provide a good indication of your health and the right diet. Conversely, the right diet can contribute to dental health and even prevent or significantly improve dental diseases such as periodontitis.

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