The Council of State validates the end of free “comfort” tests

The Council of State has ruled. The body validated on Friday the end of the free “comfort” tests to detect Covid-19, rejecting several requests, including a summary appeal by the Solidaires union against the decree ending this free service.

The highest administrative court considers that the end of the free admission of these tests “does not have the effect of making the requirement to present the health pass in certain circumstances disproportionate with regard to the public health objectives that it pursues”, according to its decision consulted by AFP.

No longer reimbursed since October 15

Since October 15, Covid-19 screening tests are no longer reimbursed for people who are not fully vaccinated, with some exceptions (medical prescription, contact case, recent positive test, contraindication to the vaccine).

“No international standard (…), no legislative provision or no general principle imposes the coverage by health insurance of a biology examination”, notes the Council of State in its decision. In addition, “the development of free access” to anti-Covid vaccination “for all people not suffering from medical contraindications to a vaccine”, as well as “the evolution of the health context” and “the burden financial “free tests for the State” are such as to justify ending this support “tests, believes the Council.

Other successful requests

“Moreover”, he continues, the price of the tests which “corresponds to their real cost (…) is not of such importance” that it can “prevent the people concerned from using them”. And “today there are no longer any difficulties for people who can and wish to be vaccinated for free”, he notes, judging that the end of the entire free test “could not be regarded as having the object or effect of compelling vaccination ”.

On the other hand, the Council of State accepted other requests, including that of the association VIA-La Voie du peuple. He thus suspended a decree of October 14 according to which self-tests carried out under the supervision of a health professional are no longer recognized as proof for the health pass. The Minister of Health “does not invoke any reason relating to the effectiveness” of the self-test and he “confines himself to indicating that this test was planned only in order to prevent difficulties of access to the tests. RT-PCR or antigens during the establishment of the sanitary pass, difficulties which have not taken place and which are no longer likely to occur ”, underlines in particular the Council.

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