The construction site of the “transition village” of Roma families will resume, the residents rejected

Neighbors dismissed. On Friday, the administrative court of Montpellier authorized the resumption of work of the “transition village”, intended to accommodate at the end of March, the 180 Roma (including around fifty minors) who live in the slum of Celleneuve. Without pronouncing on the legality of the work, the summary judge considered that there was no urgency to suspend the site.

Fearing for their safety, the inhabitants of the district of La Rauze, in which this “temporary camp” must be erected, had brought a legal action on February 9 to stop the project.

Objective: no more slums in Montpellier

This village, located south-east of Montpellier, will welcome the families concerned for a maximum period of two years. It must make it possible to accompany and insert a large part of them.

The prefect of Hérault wanted to destroy all the slums of Montpellier. That of Celleneuve is scheduled for the end of March.

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