The Constitutional Council validates the essence of the bill

The Constitutional Council validated on Friday the essence of the controversial bill against separatism.

The Wise Men, approached by parliamentarians from left and right on this text “reinforcing respect for the principles of the Republic”, censored only two measures on the dissolutions of associations and withdrawals of residence permits granted to foreigners, which do not relate to major provisions, according to its decision consulted by AFP.

Presented as a remedy for the “Islamist OPA”

Parliament put an end to this bill on the fight against separatism on July 23, adopted definitively by a final vote of the Assembly and strongly criticized by the left and the right. After seven months of back and forth between the Palais Bourbon and the Senate, the text “Respect for the principles of the Republic”, presented as a remedy for “the Islamist takeover bid”, was validated by the deputies by 49 votes in favor, 19 against and 5 abstentions.

The text contains a battery of measures on the neutrality of the public service, the fight against online hatred, the protection of civil servants and teachers, the supervision of family education, the reinforced control of associations, better transparency of cults and their financing, and even the fight against virginity certificates, polygamy or forced marriages.

“Excellent news for the Republic”, for Darmanin

“Excellent news for the Republic”, welcomed Gerald Darmanin, who carried the bill, on Twitter. The Minister of the Interior believes that “this text, wanted by Emmanuel Macron will make it possible to fight, with force, thanks to new weapons, against those who want to undermine secularism, our common good.”

In its decision, the Constitutional Council censured the provision for suspending the activities of an association which is the subject of a dissolution procedure. As the procedure could last up to six months, the Wise Men believe that “the legislator has infringed freedom of association which is not necessary, appropriate and proportionate”.

Article 26, which provided that the issue or renewal of any residence permit may be refused to a foreigner or that a residence permit may be withdrawn if it is established that he has shown a rejection of the principles of the Republic, is also censored.

According to the Wise Men, the terms of the bill do not make it possible to “determine with sufficient precision the behavior justifying” the withdrawal, non-renewal or non-issuance of a residence permit to a foreigner.

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