the Constitutional Council censures the possibility for school directors to access the vaccination status of students

The Wise Men, on the other hand, have given the green light to use the health pass until July 31, 2022.

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The constitutionnal Council censored access the vaccination status of students, Tuesday, November 9, which was provided for in the bill on various provisions of health vigilance. Article 9 of the law allowed directors of educational establishments to access medical information relating to pupils and to proceed with their treatment. But the Constitutional Council “considers that these provisions disproportionately infringe the right to respect for private life and declares them contrary to the Constitution”.

The Wise Men, on the other hand, have given the green light to use the health pass until July 31, 2022. They considered that the maintenance of the pass until the summer worked “a balanced conciliation” between the objective of health protection and respect for rights and freedoms.

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