The commune of Grande Synthe sued by migrants

On Tuesday, six migrants asked the courts to recognize the illegality of the execution of two expulsions from their camps and to condemn the municipality of Grande-Synthe, in the North, to compensate them, in particular for the destruction of their tents and business. The decision will be made on July 12.

These Iranian Kurds, represented at the hearing by master Jérôme Giusti and supported by associations, wish to obtain the cancellation of the minutes (PV) of expulsion and each ask the municipality 1,500 euros for their moral and material damage. In question, the evictions of October 13 and 26, 2021, ordered by the Dunkirk court, from camps set up on land belonging to the town hall, where some 1,000 people were concentrated.

“The absence of market value of goods cannot be decreed by a bailiff! »

The migrants do not contest the decision but its conditions of execution: the absence of notification of the eviction minutes to the occupants, of establishment of an inventory of the goods present, of summons to recover them, as well as their immediate destruction. Torn tents and tarpaulins, bags thrown away after being filled with identity papers, telephones, clothes and medicines: “the absence of market value of goods cannot be decreed by a bailiff! “, protested the lawyer for the plaintiffs.

The “premeditation” of the destruction of property is, according to him, characterized, the cleaning company Ramery having been summoned to the place of the eviction. “We voluntarily keep these people in a zone of lawlessness, we do not serve them the acts, we expel them without respecting the law and then we plead that they are inadmissible to take legal action”, denounced the lawyer during of a press conference.

For the commune of Grande-Synthe, Maître Justine Roels pointed to “the extremely difficult material conditions” in which these evictions take place, on “open land”, where people come and go. It considered that the applicants did not provide proof of their presence and that “the objects which remain [à l’issue de l’expulsion] are abandoned items with no market value.

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