The comedian comes out of police custody to be presented to an examining magistrate

After being extended on Thursday, Pierre Palmade’s police custody ended on Friday. The comedian will then be presented to an examining magistrate who will decide, or not, on his placement in pre-trial detention. The actor caused a serious road accident last Friday in Seine-et-Marne. Pierre Palmade and the three occupants of the other vehicle, a man, his 6-year-old child and his pregnant sister-in-law, who lost her baby, were seriously injured.

According to the first elements of the investigation communicated by the prosecutor of Melun, Jean-Michel Bourlès, the vehicle driven by Pierre Palmade, who had consumed cocaine, struck last Friday around 7 p.m. near Villiers-en-Bière, for a still undetermined reason, a vehicle coming in front.

The Melun public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for homicide and involuntary injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months, by driver under the influence of narcotics.

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