The climate campers are now allowed to stay in their place in Nuremberg. – Bavaria

After the cancellation of all Christmas markets in Bavaria, the Nuremberg climate camp can now stay on Sebalder Platz. The activists only had to vacate their camp for the time of the Christmas market anyway, said a city spokesman. Since this has been banned, the activists can stay in the square they have been occupying for more than 440 days. The city had argued it needed the space for rescue workers during the market. Meeting leader Markus Feuerlein stated that the activists are likely to be among the few in Nuremberg who “were really happy about the cancellation of the market”. The activists had recently argued with the city in court about details of their camp. The Ansbach administrative court had declared, among other things, kitchen utensils for the campers to be inadmissible. Feuerlein now assumes that the city will not insist on individual detailed regulations obtained by the court. From the activists’ point of view, it wasn’t really about them; Shortly before the Christkindlesmarkt, the aim was rather to make the activists’ stay as uncomfortable as possible in order to free up the space. Since local newspaper notices on the weekend said that the activists would have to move, the activists were getting a lot of support. However, the city told them on Friday that they were allowed to stay.

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