The Clemenceau museum reveals the intimacy of the politician

It was not far from Trocadéro, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, that the politician Georges Clemenceau lived for many years until the end of his life. The house he occupied, and of which he was only a tenant, has been transformed into a museum to help us better understand the complex personality of this doctor who has become a formidable political animal. He has alternately held the mandates of mayor, president of the municipal council in Paris, minister of the interior, president of the Council (twice)… Nicknamed the Tiger, he was a fervent follower of duel provocations and had a passion for animals. The visit to this museum thus allows you to discover vestiges of his intimate environment and to learn more about this character presented as the father of victory during the armistice of November 11, 1918.

Useful information :

THE Clemenceau museum is located at 8, rue Benjamin-Franklin in Paris and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Price: 6 euros and reduced price: 3 euros.

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