the city of Zaporijjia targeted by a new Russian strike, at least one dead and nine injured

At least one person was killed and nine were injured after a Russian strike on the city of Zaporizhya on Thursday (August 10th). This regional capital, in the South, had already been targeted the day before. “A fire broke out in a civilian building after the occupants hit it with a missile”, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Telegram. He posted a video showing a car on fire near the Reikartz hotel in Zaporizhia. According to the head of the city’s military administration, Anatoly Kourtiev, the strike also injured nine people and damaged at least four buildings.

Ukraine orders evacuations in the Northeast. Several dozen localities in the Kharkiv region, in northeastern Ukraine, have ordered the evacuation of their inhabitants in the face of the advance of the Russian army. Among them, the city of Kupiansk, 25,000 inhabitants before the war.

A Russian village bordering Ukraine bombed. The locality of Chausy suffered Thursday a strike attributed to the Ukrainian army by the governor of the Russian region of Bryansk, Alexander Bogomaz. This “bombing raid” left two dead and two injured among the inhabitants,” he said on Telegram, adding that an agricultural business was particularly affected.

Poland will deploy 10,000 troops to the border with Belarus. Among these many soldiers, “4,000 will be directly engaged in border police support operations and 6,000 others as reinforcements”, detailed the Minister of Defense on public radio. The latter had announced on Wednesday the dispatch of 2,000 men to the area. Poland has been on alert since the arrival of Wagner Group mercenaries in Belarusand also accuses Minsk and Moscow to orchestrate a new influx of migrants in order to destabilize the region.

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