the city of Kherson fell into the hands of the Russians, says the mayor

The UN General Assembly massively “demands” from Russia the end of the war in Ukraine

The General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on Wednesday adopted a resolution “demands that Russia immediately stop using force against Ukraine”in a vote approved overwhelmingly by 141 countries – 5 opposed it, and 35 abstained, including China, out of the 193 members of the organization.

The result was greeted with a round of applause. The resolution, punctuating more than two days of speeches at the UN rostrum, calls on Moscow to “withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally all its military forces” from Ukraine and “condemns Russia’s decision to step up the alert of its nuclear forces”.

The five countries that voted against are Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria.

The resolution, punctuating more than two days of speeches at the UN rostrum, demands that Moscow “withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally all its military forces” from Ukraine and “condemns Russia’s decision to step up the alert of its nuclear forces”.

Steered by the European Union in coordination with Ukraine, the text, which benefited from around a hundred co-sponsorships, “deplores” also, “in the strongest terms, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine” and affirms “its attachment to sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity” of this country, including “its territorial waters”.

Entitled “Aggression against Ukraine”, the resolution also calls for unhindered access to humanitarian aid – against the backdrop of arduous discussions in the Security Council on a Franco-Mexican draft resolution on the same subject – and “deplores the involvement of Belarus” in the attack on Ukraine.

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