The city of Bègles puts an end to advertising in the city center

The ecological municipality of Bègles, in the suburbs of Bordeaux, has just announced “the end of advertising” on its billboards in the coming days. At least downtown.

“On the occasion of the renewal of its information street furniture market, the city of Bègles is adopting a new municipal information strategy”, explains the municipality. Since June 27, new billboards have been installed in the city, with the aim of developing municipal information. “Advertising is now concentrated on the main peripheral axes and the Rives d’Arcins shopping area. It is governed by a charter so that it does not present a sexist and discriminatory character and is adapted to its environment (schools, places of worship, etc.). »

This new advertising market was awarded to CDA Plurimédia, for a period of twelve years. It will allow the city to collect an annual fee estimated at 100,000 euros.

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